Our on-line database is continuously being updated. The data provided here represents a particular point in time. Searches may be accomplished using several geographic boundaries: Police area commands or districts, zip codes and census tracts. Additionally, a known case number may be entered. Updates to the police report database occur daily. Information is available from today???s date back 18 months. Due to several factors (once-a-day updates, offense reclassification, reported versus occurred dates, etc.) comparisons should not be made between numbers generated with this database to any other official police reports. Data provided represents only calls for police service where a report was written. Totals in the database may vary considerably from official totals following investigation and final categorization. Therefore, the data should not be used for comparisons with Uniform Crime Report statistics. The Austin Police Department does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided.